
Hello, World!

The GUI version of the 'Hello, World!' program:

ui = require "tek.ui"
  Children =
      Title = "Hello",
      Children =
          Text = "Hello, World!",
          Class = "button",
          Mode = "button",
          Width = "auto"

As can be seen, tekUI allows a fully functional application to be written in a single nested expression. The UI library comes with an on-demand class loader, so whenever a class (like Application, Window or Text) is accessed for the first time, it will be loaded from tek/ui/class/ in the file system.

Note that a button class is not strictly needed: a button is just a Text element behaving like a button with a frame giving it the appearance of a button. We will later explain how you can write a button class yourself, to save you some typing.

To quit, click the window's close button. Closing the Application's last open window will cause the run method to return to its caller.

Reacting on input

There are different ways for reacting to presses on the 'Hello, World' button. The simplest form is to place an onClick function into the Text object:

ui = require "tek.ui"
  Children =
      Title = "Hello",
      Children =
          Text = "Hello, World!",
          Width = "auto",
          onClick = function(self)
            print "Hello, World!"

But onClick is just a convenient shortcut for the most trivial of all cases. To catch more events, you can override handler functions which react on changes to an element's state variables, like Pressed and Selected, to name but a few. They contain booleans and are indicative of the Element's state, such as: Is it in selected state, is it pressed down, is it hovered by the mouse, is it receiving the input? The Widget:onPress handler, for example, can be used to catch not only releases, but also presses on the element:

ui = require "tek.ui"
  Children =
      Children =
        ui.Text:new { },
          Text = "Click",
          Width = "auto",
          onPress = function(self)
            self:getPrev():setValue("Text", tostring(self.Pressed))

When you overwrite a handler, you should forward the call to the original implementation of the same method, as seen in the example.

Setting a value using Object:setValue may invoke a notification handler. In our example, the neighboring element in the group will be notified of an updated text, which will cause it to be repainted.

For regular applications it is normally sufficient to stick to overwriting the available handlers as in the previous example. But the underlying mechanism to register a notification handler can be interesting as well, especially if you plan on writing new GUI classes yourself:

ui = require "tek.ui"
app = ui.Application:new()
win = ui.Window:new { Title = "Hello", HideOnEscape = true }
text = ui.Button:new { Text = "_Hello, World!", Width = "auto" }
text:addNotify("Pressed", false, {
    print "Hello, World!"

See also Object:addNotify for all the hairy details on notification handlers, and the Area and Widget classes for the most important state variables.

Controlling the layout

By default a tekUI layout is dynamic. This means it will be calculated and, if necessary, recalculated at runtime¹. Screen and font characteristics are taken into account as well as style properties controlling the appearance of individual elements.

Group layouting attributes

  • Orientation - "horizontal" or "vertical", the default is "horizontal". This attribute informs the group of the primary axis on which elements are to be layouted (left-to-right vs. top-to-bottom). This applies to grids also.
  • Columns - Number of columns. A number greater than 1 turns the group into a grid.
  • Rows - Number of rows. A number greater than 1 turns the group into a grid.
  • Layout - The name of a layouting class. Default: "default", which will try to load the tek.ui.layout.default class. It is also possible to specify an instance of a layouter instead of just the class name.
  • SameSize - boolean, "width" or "height". Default is false. If true, all elements in the group will have the same size on their respective axis. If either of the string keywords is given, this applies to only to the width or height.

Common layouting attributes (apply to all elements)

  • HAlign - The element's horizontal alignment inside the group which it is part of. Possible values are "left", "center", and "right". The corresponding style property is halign.
  • VAlign - The element's vertical alignment inside the group which it is part of. Possible values are "top", "center", and "bottom". The corresponding style property is valign.
  • Width - The width of the element, in pixels, or "auto" to reserve the minimum size, "free" for allowing the element to grow to any size, or "fill" for allowing the element to grow to no more than the maximum width that other elements in the same group have claimed. The corresponding style property is width.
  • Height - The height of the element, in pixels, or "auto" to reserve the minimum size, "free" for allowing the element to grow to any size, or "fill" for allowing the element to grow to no more than the maximum height that other elements in the same group have claimed. The corresponding style property is Height.
  • MinWidth - The minimum width of the element, in pixels. The default is 0. The corresponding style property is min-width.
  • MinHeight - The minimum height of the element, in pixels. The default is 0. The corresponding style property is min-height.
  • MaxWidth - The maximum width of the element, in pixels, or "none" for no limit (which is the default). The corresponding style property is max-width.
  • MaxHeight - The maximum height of the element, in pixels, or "none" for no limit (which is the default). The corresponding style property is max-height.

Note that the Min/Max and Width/Height properties will not override the actual size requirements of an element. An element will not claim a larger or smaller size than what it is capable of displaying. Style properties will be used as additional hints when an element's size is flexible. As most elements are scalable by nature, the style properties are normally considered.

¹ More layouting options are available, see also the fixed.lua and layouthook.lua examples on how to use and implement fixed and custom layouting strategies.

List of predefined handlers

Name Base Class Cause
Widget:onActivate() Widget change of the Active attribute
Window:onChangeStatus() Window change of Status attribute
Widget:onClick() Widget caused when Pressed changes to false
Widget:onDisable() Widget change of the Disabled attribute
Widget:onDblClick() Widget change of the DblClick attribute
Input:onEnter() Input change of Enter attribute, pressing enter
Widget:onFocus() Widget change of the Focus attribute
Window:onHide() Window window close button, Escape key
Widget:onHilite() Widget change of the Hilite attribute
Widget:onHold() Widget change of the Hold attribute
Widget:onPress() Widget change of the Pressed attribute
Widget:onSelect() Widget change of the Selected attribute
DirList:onSelectEntry() DirList item selected by the user
Lister:onSelectLine() Lister change of the SelectedLine attribute
PopList:onSelectLine() PopList change of the SelectedLine attribute
Input:onSetChanged() Input setting the Changed attribute, on text changes
Canvas:onSetChild() Canvas change of the Child attribute
Element:onSetClass() Element change of the Class attribute
Lister:onSetCursor() Lister change of the CursorLine attribute
ImageWidget:onSetImage() ImageWidget change of the Image attribute
Numeric:onSetMax() Numeric change of the Max attribute
ScrollBar:onSetMax() ScrollBar change of the Max attribute
Numeric:onSetMin() Numeric change of the Min attribute
ScrollBar:onSetMin() ScrollBar change of the Min attribute
PageGroup:onSetPageNumber() PageGroup change of the PageNumber attribute
ScrollBar:onSetRange() ScrollBar change of the Range attribute
Slider:onSetRange() Slider change of the Range attribute
Element:onSetStyle() Element change of the Style attribute
FloatText:onSetText() FloatText change of Text attribute
Input:onSetText() Input change of Text attribute
Text:onSetText() Text change of Text attribute
Numeric:onSetValue() Numeric change of the Value attribute
ScrollBar:onSetValue() ScrollBar change of the Value attribute

Ad-hoc setup of classes

To inherit properties and functionality from existing classes and to consequently reuse existing code, it is often desirable to create new classes yourself. There are different scopes in which new classes can be useful:

  • Global classes are written as separate source files, located in the system-wide installation path under tek/ui/class and set up using a procedure as described in the class setup section.
  • Application classes are created in the same way, but they are located in tek/ui/class relative to the application's local program directory.
  • Another scope is inside a running application or module. We call this the ad-hoc style, because new classes are often created out of a spontaneous need.

For the ad-hoc style, it is not necessary to create a new source file or module. For example, a Button class can be derived from the Text class whereever you see fit:

local Button = ui.Text:newClass { _NAME = "_button" }

ad-hoc classes may be named arbitrarily, but their names should be prefixed with an underscore to distinguish them from global classes. You can even do without a name, as tekUI will create one for you if necessary, but you will find it difficult to reference such a class in a style sheet.

From this point, the new class can be extended, e.g. for initializations which turn a Text into a Button:

function Button.init(self)
  self.Class = "button"
  self.Mode = self.Mode or "button"
  self.KeyCode = true
  return ui.Text.init(self)

As shown in the example, we also passed the call on to our super class, which we expect to perform the missing initializations.

Finally, a new object from our new class can be created:

button = Button:new { Text = "_Hello, World!" }

Also refer to the Class reference and the Class setup section for further information.

The lifecycle of an element

A GUI element is set up in several stages, all of which are initiated by the tekUI framework. Normally, you do not call any of these methods yourself (aside from passing a call on to the same method in your super class):

Drawing an element

In the drawing method, the control flow is roughly as follows:

function ElementClass:draw()
  if SuperClass.draw(self) then
    -- your rendering here
    return true

There are rare cases in which a class modifies the drawing context, e.g. by setting a coordinate displacement. Such modifications must be performed in Area:drawBegin() and reverted in Area:drawEnd(), and the control flow looks like this:

function ElementClass:draw()
  if SuperClass.draw(self) then
    if self:drawBegin() then
      -- your rendering here
    return true

Debug library

The debug library used throughout tekUI is tek.lib.debug. The default debug level is 10 (ERROR). To increase verbosity, set level to a lower value, either by modifying tek/lib/debug.lua, or by setting it after including the module:

db = require "tek.lib.debug"
db.level = db.INFO

See also the module's documentation for redirecting the output.

Proxied object model

If you wish to use validation of XML files against tekUI's implementation, of if you plan on extending existing classes or develop your own, you are advised to set the following configurable parameters in tek.class, the base class of all tekUI classes:

local PROXY = true
local DEBUG = true

The PROXY option allows for intercepting read/write accesses to objects, which will be harnessed by the DEBUG option for tracking accesses to uninitialized class members. So whenever a nil value is read from or written to an object, this causes tek.class to bail out with an error and a meaningful message.

As a result, all member variables must be initialized during new() or init() – or more specifically, before the class metatable is attached and an object is becoming fully functional. This will assist in keeping variables neatly together, and you won't end up in a fluff of variables of limited scope and significance, getting initialized at random places. This also means that you cannot assign a distinct meaning to nil for a class member – you will have to use false instead, or find another arrangement. (This convention of not using nil for class variables is found throughout the whole tekUI framework.)

Once your application is tested and ready for deployment, you can disable PROXY, as this will improve performance and reduce memory consumption.

Class setup

A class is usually set up in a prologue like this:

local Widget = require "tek.ui.class.widget"
module("tek.ui.class.button", tek.ui.class.widget)
_VERSION = "Button Widget 1.0"
local Button = _M

The second argument to module is the super class to derive the new class from (see also tek.class for details on how this is supposed to work). By convention, we then put the module table (the class) into a local variable. The last line is for compatibility with Lua 5.2, as the second argument to module doesn't work with Lua 5.2 anymore.

Finally, methods in the newly created class may look like this (note that, thanks to the Button variable, the second example provides an implicit self):

function Button.new(class, self)
  return Widget.new(class, self)

function Button:method()

Also, don't forget to add a _VERSION variable, as it will be used by the documentation system – see also the next section.

Class documentation system

Don't stray off too far from the class setup described in the previous section, as it contains valuable informations for tekUI's documentation generator.

Most notably, the second argument to module should be written out in full – in the example above, one might be tempted to use Widget instead of tek.ui.class.widget; but then, the path information would be lost for the source code parser, which tries to assemble a self-contained class hierarchy from individual class / child class relations.

Tokens for markup

Aside from the aforementioned module and _VERSION keys (see section Class setup), the source code parser reacts on the following tokens.

Long lines of dashes signify the beginnings and endings of comment blocks that are subject to processing markup notation, e.g.

--    Area - implements margins, layouting and drawing

The other condition that must be met for the following text to appear in the documentation is the recognition of either a definition (as seen in the example) or function marker inside such a comment block. The template for a definition is this:


And the function template:

ret1, ret2, ... = function(arg1, arg2, ...): ...

The marker and the following text will then become part of the documentation. (In other words, by avoiding these markers, it is also possible to write comment blocks that do not show up in the documentation.)

Functions inside classes will automatically receive a symbolic name as their class prefix (from assigning the module table _M to a local variable, see Class setup). Hereinafter, they can be cross-referenced using the following notations:


For further information, consult the sources in the class hierarchy as examples, and the source code containing the markup notation reference, which can be found in tek.class.markup.

5.6. Stylesheets precedence

TekUI uses a cascading stylesheets (CSS) engine, which borrows from the W3C recommendations. The order of precedence is as follows:

  • Hardcoded class defaults
  • User agent: tekUI's built-in stylesheets, either "default" or "minimal". The implied default is "default", unless the first word in the THEME variable is "minimal". "minimal" is hardwired into the ui library, while "default" is an actual stylesheet file.
  • User: Names of stylesheet files from the THEME environment variable, e.g. "stain gradient". The default is "desktop".
  • Author: Names of stylesheet files specified in Application.AuthorStyleSheets.
  • Author: Styles specified in Application.AuthorStyles.
  • User important: The user.css stylesheet.

To shut off interferences from user styles, use a predefined cascade by overwriting the THEME variable inside your application, e.g.:

local ui = require "tek.ui"
ui.ThemeName = "mycompany" -- also implies "default"
ui.UserStyles = false -- to also disable the user.css file

See also Global Lua runtime arguments.