=== 0.8g: === * Argument parser: Arguments with whitespaces were treated incorrectly even if they were surrounded by quotes, corrected * Documentation generator: Added --author, --created, --adddate options * Markup: Added metadata options for "author" and "created" * Canvas:damageChild() can now be called without a layout, allowing ListGadget:repaint() to work outside Application:run() * DirList: added onSelectEntry() handler * Application, Window: Major simplification in setup and closedown procedure, the show() method is now invoked shortly after opening the window * Area: Changed meaning of the EraseBG attribute, removed calcOffset, BGPen renamed to BGColor, getElementByXY() renamed to Area:getByXY() * Drawable: removed closeFont(), fitMinAspect(), openFont(), drawPlot() renamed to drawPoint() * Gadget: Effect renamed to EffectClass, BGPen... to BG..., FGPen... to FG..., InitialFocus is now functional, removed onHold(), simplified * Gadget, FloatText: FGPen renamed to FGColor * ListGadget: Renamed BGPenAlt to BGAlt * TextInput: Renamed BGPenCursor to BGCursor * Window:getWindowDimensions() renamed to askMinMax(), show() now invokes Group.show() before askMinMax(), now creates a Drawable during setup() and passes it to its superclass during show() * Theme, stylesheets: effect renamed to effect-class, smaller handles * Default Border, DrawHook, Border, Ripple Hook: show() renamed to setup(), hide() renamed to cleanup() * Frame, ListGadget, TextInput: simplified * ScrollBar, Slider: now register Hold notification themselves * Application: Status can now be "init", "error", "run" and "quit", some cleanup * Application, Area and demos: Some cleanup, improved documentation, demos, texts and imagery * Visual module: Added VISUAL_USE_INTERNAL_HASH compile-time option * Gendoc: Added --heading option * Theme, internal stylesheet: Slightly changed looks of handles