=== 1.10: === * Exec: Changed list structure to eliminate the need for pointer aliasing * Improved Mac OS X support, added support for Solaris and HP-UX, improved configuration and flexibility with regard to custom paths to third party libraries; the Xvid extension is no longer enabled by default * Some cleanup in visibility of symbols, code and build system structure * UI: Now evaluates arg, ProgDir, LocalPath, etc. as late as possible, allowing the library to be embedded in precompiled form, warnings for each missing locale key are shown only once now * ImgLoad, Visual: Minor improvements in loading with alpha channel * Visual module: Minor API corrections, added documentation * Display: Some corrections in API documentation * UI: loadImage() can now load from an open file * Raw framebuffer: Improved region management, optimizations, added support for window backing store, unified input handling, added alignment for dirty regions, reducing region merge-ops * RawFB, X11: Now suspend indefinitely if no interval events are requested, major source code cleanup * Compiler: added module exclude list, code cleanup, added documentation